
RVS Richtlinien & Merkblätter in Englisch
09 Tunnel
09.02 Tunnel Equipment

RVS Englisch 15.04.81 Design and Dimension
September 2017


This RVS regulates the requirements for the design and dimension of LSW on bridges and other structures (e.g. support walls) within the scope of public traffic routes.

Noise protection panels in tunnel areas are not the subject matter of this RVS.

It is generally to be applied to the new construction of bridges and other structures as well as to the new erection and/or elevation of LSW with existing objects.

Repair measures are not the subject matter of this RVS as in these cases, only the original condition is to be restored.

Sound-related requirements are not the subject matter of this RVS.


0 Preliminary Remarks

1 Scope

2 Term Definitions and Abbreviations

3 General Information

4 Structural and Material-Related Requirements on the Components

5 Dimensioning Requirements

6 Maintenance and Servicing

7 Design Principles

8 Cited Directives, Standards and Literature

9 Additional Directives and Standards to be Observed

10 ANNEX: Combinations of Actions, Partial Safety Coefficients and Combination Coefficients

Seiten 19
Ausgabedatum 1. September 2017
Arbeitsausschuss BR04 Brückenausrüstung
Medium Netto + USt. Anzahl
Download 44,00 € 10 %
Dieses Produkt besteht aus folgenden Artikeln
  • RVS 15.04.81 Design and Dimension